Category: Payments-Country
Hits: 21507


Country Manager:

Alex L.Tibay

# 8 Athena Dr. Batasan Hills, Quezon City, NCR Philippines 1126

Payment methods:

USD or PhP payments For Philippines
Direct Bank Deposit: USD/PhP Currency
Bank of the Philippine Islands - BPI
Acct Name: Alex L. Tibay
Acct. No. 4129070442
BOPIPHMM - Attention: Janet P. Castro
BPI Marcos Hwy Branch 412
Prevailing Exchange rate applies.
By Western Union: PHP Currency Only
Recipient: Alex L. Tibay c/o
Address: 8 Athena Dr. Batasan Hills Quezon City, NCR, Phlippines 1126
Cell: 09156486637 (text msg. only)
Please confirm all payments via email:
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