Category: Payments-Country
Hits: 23753


Country Manager:

Naveed Siddiq Akhtar

Mailing address:
4/3 Liaquat Ave, Model Colony
Karachi 75100


Use this link to convert fee listed in the U.S. dollar into your local currency.


Please use any one of the payment methods below to pay in your local currency.

  1. Cash On Activation (COD)
  2. Direct bank deposit
  3. EasyPaisa (Coming soon)


Bank Deposit:

Please follow these steps for the course suite payment via direct bank deposit

  1. Go to any any one of 1,100 United bank (UBL) branches in your city and pay required course fee. If fee is listed in US dollar. You need to use a website listed above to convert it into your local currency amount.
  2. Use this account info:
    • Title of Account:
    • Account No: 000-371-0040-8
    • Branch Code: 845


EasyPaisa (Coming soon)


Note: Please send email with your deposit slip number to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in return you will receive user-name and password via email within 48 hours (excluding weekend). Any payment related problem, just send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..