Category: Tour for the school
Hits: 3120

E-learning is revolutionizing eduction. Now you can also become part of this revolution by become school partner. After becoming our school partner, you will able to offer webbased 'Small Steps learning" (SSL) system to your 6+ grades students to learn English grammar and writing. With SSL system, your 6th grader will able to read and write Intermediate or CEF's B* level English and your 8th grader will able to read and write Advanced or CEF's C level English. After completing Advanced English level, your students' English will be complete and he or she will able to pass English portion of any local or international college admission or standardized test such as IETLS, TOELF, SAT, and many more with ease.

No other school in your area will able to do this for its students. In other words, you will not have any competition and will able to attract more students for your school.

Note: CEF stands for 'Common European Framework'. It is a standard frame work to measure language proficiency. It has three major levels. 'A' stands for Elementary level, 'B' for Intermediate, and 'C' stands for Advanced level.